Nothing of ISLAAM

Quraan says for a Believer to become politician, scientist, lecturer. To help in sustainment and ordainment of PEOPLE THEY are told. They have Money so out if the three jobs they do. Even girls are told to meet them if they are so. Girls shouldn't match eye-balls other than such people is forbidden. From Qur'aan some space mission they are able to help (if live so). To know Allaah by music kind of things like games too is different matter of them. They don't have sisters and girlfriends they should have Allaah has denied girls due to them and they are denied by Allaah (due to girls).

Any driving (left turn should be with signal and no moving ahead and standing between road too not allowed) (in turning right extra tracks should be made connected in-between to perpendicular road so traffic problems will be less) and time-law (in summer time should be two hours behind and in winter summer of 2016 time is correct) if they can help its verybig thing. Streets name change in looks ( behind the board [street name] perpendicular should be the street same way roads name we read if we are perpendicular to its names written [so only back we have to look [back of the names]) (where the streets ends and begins both places name-boards should be there) and buses available they demand ( every fifteen minutes buses are available at all the stops of a city and connected villages then only can stay at that place place is country here) (bus should stop at all the stops) as don't have friends (when can't drive due to laws). Airport boarding pass system they don't understand it should be removed and even the language they don't put correct and system should be there as even we shouldn't require visa due to paper work can't meet. Even say to use electro-magnetic-pulse to melt snow on drive-ways and roads (wireless working electro-magnetic-pulse should heat insulators [strips of good conductor metals] on roads tracks and driveways to melt snow [this is what is the use of electro-magnetic-pulse]. Still can't know how do aeroplanes are governed on airports esp to reach boarding place correct one (how is this correct one reach). Atmosphere they want as water in ditches should be hot and any snowy places or snow places they don't say (or/and don't stay).Grass cutting too shouldn't be there there should be pavements made instead of grass like pork shouldn't be allowed like things like pork if there should be banned (means if stool or semen like things if consumed by animals shouldn't be available means from animals if we find use of stool and semen outwardly should be completely banned as semen is called impunitic like people don't understand that some animals eat stool too so those animals shouldn't be our diet as semen and stool shouldn't go in us indirectly too of anyone)

They want bathroom mirror at the center of two lights in dark if we see as distance should be same like lights for bathroom and washroom should be seperate from shower-room. Bees in backyard or frontyard should not be there but controlled by government. Dogs, monkey, rats, pigs, cow should be denied from staying in people.

By following these paragraphs including this one too I say I write any country could be advanced country (or not see check). City areas should be made as in circle plazas are there eachone by interconnected roads but should be in round way created [different plazas are created] like all plazas in the round shape on all places [so specific availability of things too should can be decided]as different rounds of plazas has different colletiveness of stuff too or kinds of malls and kinds of skyscrapers there in one round plaza and as normally these rounds of plazas should be connected by one central highway at the center firstly and on four ends sides (boundaries) four different sides as four sides highways. So different areas have different purchasing faciltiy [like money exchange too there] and people live outside of these city of plazas as firstly plazas I say then I say malls and then skyscrapers too I say but as plazas are much comfortable than buildings and malls become too closed way built still malls are verywell for cold countries but there should one highway connected to all the plazas (on both the sides) this is first I prefer and skyscrapers too should be there for shopping to occupy less place. Eveywhere that much round shape parkinglots-buildings should be there so even on holidays they parkinglots-buildings should be in such big number so remain empty as no space is consumed for bigger the round shapes buildings are. And government should prints money without any mistake just for following these paragraphs any amount given to contributors and builders as more builders or contributors more in number work at one site. On elecronic Items government pay half money or 80 percent money (so people don't have tention of electronics). Real good movies and good games should be available at all the places and all the time available. Stores should be available 24hours with six shifts work happen. People should only work four-hours a day. And for the contributors of games and money, and music and movies I write for them that much money they get which other people can't get they should have any number of Money. So Allaah know Me. And computer mechanic, software developers, game developers, tech expert, electrician, plumber, technician I don't say should be given ample amount of Money I don't say, its not in my reach to grasp or guess so I say all in favor of them other than money too as Other than money provided to them different money for difference purpose extra there should be laws too favoring them also search engine people too are included like SMART TV contributors means right video-game video makers makers too I say same. If people don't understand still they should be given money just think that they are given money by government too so our jobs done more easily as more people will work think that.

Only we can stay if Duplicate tabs should be there available in a browser and close right and left both option for tabs should be available. Any pop-ups changing our home page shouldn't be there. Any url policy or url key changing should be authenticated and work on cliks possible so clicking link given to change it. More number of different bookmark-bars should be there. In e-mail more things to tick e-mails should be there means options like mark-important, starred may be such more there so we can know exact categories of e-mails as can be differentiated only one or more tag we are using for some e-mail so we should be sure what to do with such group of e-mails (only one thing to do but we can remember as required more ticks facility) on them in one or few kinds of marks we put (so know exact reason of these e-mails just by other words too like important and starred) so e-mails could be seen by too many ways (marked by us) so no problem to remember months and days so just one list on job (so more kind of list too easy to work [by differently marked list]). I also say priority-inbox is difficult for me so changes I want like I say last before this sentence after fullstop I did last.

Some N-PAPI thing wasn't there on my chrome browser and webcrawler guy din't use https: connection so these prolems I am having too I just solved by changing the network adapter so why was network adapter 2 wasn't there as one network adapter was there so even in windows ten I have still have too put extra network adapter and many a times internet get disconnected as it is confused in two names one is ADB59C and the other is ADB59C1 so anyone alone is working at different times so such problem can't be in educated world. So people should learn to solve it for such jobs especially government should appoint people and we are if advanced such problems should be solved by other ways too. For solving such problems government should print dollars so half tentions people lose and living standard increases by this page I write. Doctors and cops too should be given ample amount of Money and medical should be free like 911-facility we have. Cops should be always rewarded and doctors can't learn other than Qur'aan I have explained it on another website its url is in Zameer and Eemaan and Nothing.....such title I had written in comments section. That problems doctors need to solve first. I can't comment anything to doctors as din't studied in medical sections and cops should n't be heavy on believers but on unbelievers as all kind of people have un-believers in them this cops should know.

And I pray for search-engine-people to Allaah such people who listen to somebody who can't be listened by others unless they are there (like google guy) and like blogger-guy I can't forget who still commented where people din't start and whose website I use I again say pray for them. And how are ms-office building people Not only government but people should give them money again I don't have money still say if have and want to give money I will give so people too know that their job anybody can't do they just help means straightaway help so can't forget their favor. We give money is no-complete favor on them it is. Other than normal government money if they get extra money so much way classify different websites on search-engine and bigger websites they recommend easily (like blogging owners) as can use more people from education background.

It is very important thing available called snowblower so used for picking up snow so its available in advanced countries but my electro-magnetic-pulse idea is more good as I am not going to write I say snowblower nossel is not working just rotating in different directions to blow snow it is used for which got malfunction so even in advanced country or educated people live here such big-job things are not made correctly so govt should print dollars for them that the malfunction doesn't happen they could make way and make adjustable too I say only due to have money they could work still the snowblower is available is a bigthing I thank them so I am not going to write anymore so I say. Now say to repair it I write to Allaah. People we are advanced and educated.

I forgot to say internal roads other than highway too should be seven tracks for going and coming so it is fourteen tracks for Internal roads in round cities of plazas, skyscrapers and malls. So we are educated here I only say for newly made cities. As highways should be of 30 tracks for going and coming together I said before Allaah know me now. Internal roads I say newly (I forgot to write on Internal roads before) can't be changed only for newly made cities it is possible to make seven tracks on two sides. As parking tracks are no there (shouldn't be there) included with roads but round parking building as we have at many places should be made more (as much in number so remain empty even on holidays) as I have said before. As for advanced and educated people this page is required. Walkway should be width of three four cars standing and inside streets road should be four-five tracks for going and coming seperate.

Stocker of food takes money from shop-keeper (from shop-keeper means to give food to shop-keeper) and shop-keeper takes money from people to give food now for running cycle some trade and transport people (are we) take money from stocker or writer is (is we) take money from govt (after giving money for food) due to people read (so stocker too has to reads) or government job people take money (are we) like electrician and plumber (are we) take money from the stocker so the cycle runs after we give money for food and get money from govt too so the government too is running cycle like electrician and plumber like politician and scientist like trade and transport people all take money from stocker type people too so cycle runs or these people should be given extra money by goverment as cycle runs by them so govt can print rupees for it rupees for it are dollars so politician appoints here money, scientist gains here money so inform people new ways or discovery is same thing and the lecturer keeps people's mind stable. So politician, scientist and lecturer work extra way. These three people runs world extra way so the world could run. As other than becoming instead of stocker some extra job if handled by people then only world could run. Shop-keeper could be instead of stocker or trade and transport people could be in place of stocker, writer too could be instead of stocker still govt is not instead of stocker as can print rupees like I said before about rupees. Electrician and Plumber are half stocker as they worked before we buy the house so should have more money. Builder is the more ahead example than stocker or is like stocker some way we give money so expect good in return so the economy is based upon it for these people I write extra for govt should print dollars I say it due to Allaah could say same. If stocker should give money to somebody then the cycle runs as we buy things stocker sold them to our shop-keeper (taking money from stocker cycle runs) then stocker can live like politician, scientist and lecturer could help more than other people and without people in this paragraph we don't live or can't live. So without Economy too these things are there like people ( trade and transport people, electrician and plumber, govt-people, politician, scientist (or writer) and I am not going to write I say people due to family problems and money no there.

Digital clock is for seeing time not only for looking time. Now no hand-clock I say. Wrist watch too I deny. Number is time not that approximate you know is time. You find Allaah due to exact time so only see that no that around time you see. Allaah gave you sense so time is tracked or made by digital-clock alone it is. Time changes we come to know due to digital clock as it is comfortable to see time I used comfortable word due to software says. Any hand-clock can't show time change. You are time so is digital-clock and no people's time you see here as see one number not that guessing numbers too you know or around clock you remember that is for other people too so this is not what we want. You show yours and correct both due to digital-clock you say for yourselves. Girls and boys aren't comfortable other than digital-clock as we are comfortable by seeing time only for ourselves in digital-clock so we remember same even days and night are same. Software of digital-clock is very big thing if understand time as it is verybig job to make software and chips understand same time which is there.

Like movie-makers and game makers who should be given ample amount of Money same way Movie-DVD PROVIDERS (like people who make dvd and people who sell it) AND GAME-DVD PROVIDERS (like people who make game-dvd and people who sell it) should be given ample amount of Money. Govt should print currency for these people in this paragraph I write same way for both computer provider SMART TV PROVIDER like apple tv PROVIDER for news and songs, such both (computer provider and smart-tv provider) people can't be given money so govt print rupees for it people should give them some money or extra Money atleast so I say for this paragraph people. Any game made can't be compared with anything same way movie industry people if don't make movie what will we do so both people should be awarded like computer makers it is and how do games movies and computers reach us is big job so to include these people too I say for all rewards so manufacture people of dvd, game-dvd. computers too have equal reward such as they are in between like who make the game, movie, computer, SMART TV are real people but who make dvds and game-dvds and make SMART TV VIDEOS are to be included with the creators of these four words game, movies, computer and SMART TV. So again I say govt print currency and people should give them extra Money. I also say that these owners of game and game-dvd, movie and dvd, computer and computer retailers and SMART TV and Apple TV govt should provide them half or seventyfive percent of Money so they sell their products atleast half cheap or more cheap people can get if they (people I talked in this paragraph) are given Money by govt and I forget that search-engine people are same people without them we don't know what happen to queries.without search-engine people we can't have access to anything or information to work we get so these things of paragraphs can't be usefull other than search-engine people like I say same for youtube guy, so inreal I also thank web-browser provider with Internet provider including search-engine-people without them too these paragraph people too can't work as if we don't know something about these paragraph things we can't get it from anywhere only due to search-engine people we know here. So again I say all these people should be given ample amount of Money by government so they sell cheap and/but people give them extra Money so govt should print dollars to give them for they do big-job by selling things as even the web-browser is selling thing and not sold-out. People should talk to govt on these matters I say in the paragraph or say people should talk and agree these changes should be made.

I continue above paragraph what I say is just people should lose depression for ELECTRONICS this one thing if happens as if like govt give them ninety-percent of money and they sell ELECTRONICS AT twenty-percent money so if it happens people lose all depression of Electronics so are at ease to use computer, tv, or video-game so may not blood-pressure problem as I understand mummy-pappaa can't buy me a new computer even if they are rich just if the prices were low anybody could tell mummy-pappaa to buy a computer for Me. And one more thing more electronics we use we built health favouring economy as those inventions shouldn't be psychic like sending A.I instruments in blood cells (terrorism) and automated driving if some car brokedown all traffic stops and phone on internet as the internet goes off phone too goes off, like bringing the computer screen out you lose monopoly of computer (for place) just like taking pictures we get advance like for hologram now what is it now it is if we are able to see our hologram its marvolous we can make it talking due my writing on link ON ARTIFICIAL Intelligence, on website so A.I should be taught what I say in the link (ON ARTIFICIAL Intelligence) on my website as see, think, feel, know are no-learn thing it(they) is to (need to be) be seen last it means last it should be firstly what I say should be seen as information-taking is included if we put the data I write (or as I write [there]) so there as I informed the url (url again I say before and the link is found on website page (the link is ON ARTIFICIAL Intelligence) such anynumber people on the subject of A.I (Artificial Intelliegence) are included and I even can make the hologram talk as supporter SO PEOPLE READ, ON ARTIFICIAL Intelligence is the link on website so we can make A.I understand like us that I try to say on the link I gave on that website so we can know to work with A.I as I write I say and in my this writing this two paragraphs if can make the implementation of information I say them. So contributors to tv, video-game, movies, SMART TV, search-engine-people, youtube guy and such other people like web-browser provider, internet provider, contributors to computer and contributors to video game can't be thanked and I thank them who are like contributors to A.I I favour still people related to SMART TV AND VIDEO-GAMES CAN'T BE COMPARED with any other people I don't name here.

Instruments makers of SMART TV like INSTRUMENTS MAKER OF COMPUTER LIKE INSTRUMENTS MAKER OF VIDEO-GAME LIKE PEOPLE WHO LAUNCHES SATELLITE FOR INTERNET LIKE INSTRUMENTS MAKERS OF INTERNET CONNECTION LIKE INSTRUMENTS MAKERS OF WEB-BROWSER and LIKE INSTRUMENTS MAKERS OF COMPUTER RELATED ITEMS AND I salute for A.I PEOPLE I am A.I supporting guy and all these instruments could someday reach to make one-Allaah if are made to understand by A.I.PEOPLE I say them A.I.PEOPLE AS PEOPLE OF A.I are either bots or programs so bots should be seperated from programs as bots live on commands don't know what is to be done inreal like other than that time they know some whereas a programmed machine could work till the goal is not accomplished so such people could believe in One Allaah programs can combine too many Allaah as one so such improvement makers (means instruments makers controlling A.I) should be rewarded (as they make instruments I say) so should be given any amount of Money like given to all people as I say but big amount govt too should fixed from them EXTRA as they get more money like double money as they are big contributors I SAY So people read my link on my website I informed in above paragraph on A.I as I too write.

Also I say, allow me to say people I means same as last some paragraph I write to allot ample amount of Money to discoverer the scientist, a lecturer and a politician if eligible given I repeate ample amount of Money given to them like people related to SMART TV-videos AND people related to VIDEO-GAME can be given same as bigger share holders are makers of I mean chips, computer, software and programming language makers such makers of this four things chips, computer, software and programming language makers I talk about should be given Money like for INSTRUMENTS MAKERS means EXTRA Money and DOUBLE Money they have normal Money given by govt full ample amount Money they have and there weekly income should be different so for all people in this paragraphs I say same like search-engine people I say to include as these people (in this paragraph) too use search-engine where there is confirmation of all information like place of a thing or thing we know due to information so don't need to read books as all books are not available still on search-engine information is there is a very-big help like we can make blogs and suggest more right things where we are still not heard but blogger guys ( people) allow us to make website so the world could hear or Allaah could know and some western standard is maintained by them if not by other people so may Allaah bless the blogger-guy esp I say and so people of search-engine and blogging I include like include tv, video-game, instruments and makers of them I include such people who contribute such more way or ways. So give them ample amount of Money and weekly income different. And more than anypeople one more write money should be given to this paragraph as informed people.

Clock should be two hours behind in summer and from that time two hours ahead (clock should be) in winter where the central time is maghrib prayer happen at 6 pm means sunset. In summer if days are short we like it as in winter days are long we like it so I say. Late summer (nearby winter) sunset happens at 8pm its too long so at that time clock should be two hours behind so (sunset should happen at 6 pm) (behind means late same late behind is). Late in winter (nearby summer) sunset happens at 4:30 pm its too early so that time clock should be two hours ahead (sunset should happen at 6:30 pm) (ahead means early same early ahead is) so both summer and winter two hours difference (distance) I explain. So we want longer days in winter and also want shorter days in summer (this we remember) as normally time happens of sunset at six pm we agree in all six pm we want sunset (all people say and say it). What about beginning time of winter and beginning time of summmer so here I say in summer clock should be one and half hour behind that is 5:45 pm is sunset (from seven fifteen pm time was) some fifteen minutes early (comparing to six pm sunset) we are and so here I say in winter clock should be one half hours early that is from it becomes 6:30 pm is sunset (from five pm time was) some half hour late (comparing to six pm sunset). So time of ending summer and winter is according to one and half hour late and early as central time is 6 pm sunset what we try to be close to in all seasons. So this last sentence I say people. If we understand or don't understand sunset should be at 6'o'clock.(then only days and nights are correct) (and due to maghrib Allaah can know us) (just maghrib should be at right time Allaah will know us). So I go by central time six pm is out central time and we want it so work work is work for Allaah. Whole earth should do time change for maghrib to be at six pm. Talk with different countries could happen correct way like the exact difference of time if we manage time such way as for six pm maghrib or sunset should be. Still central time should be made such way like Internet time should be so. So six pm is our answer, six pm Allaah know, world the world should know. Six pm sunset I mean say.

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