SOME extra write I write



ZAMEER AND EEMAAN IS FIRST BELEIF OF ALLAAH NOTHING WRONG YOU SHOULDN'T BE IS NEXT BELIEF (one statement is so). Deny rape or offence on girl denied is Zameer and to work for girls from Qur'aan is Eemaan. So last two sentence together means zameer and eemaan (this is normal Zameer and Eemaan) Like other way I explain zameer is to work for Qur'aan and Eemaan means to work for Allaah from Qur'aan so it is no zameer and eemaan other than girls so Allaah can't come to them. Like other way zameer is ALLAAH AND EEMAAN IS due to follow QUR'AAN IS correct but if don't deny to work for girls. Any robbery theft aren't zameer and eemaan. Any lies and condemning of supporter isn't zameer and eemaan. Such Allaah is due to zameer and eemaan. But Allaah knows me due to Nothing too. To be correct at response is Nothing though whatever response is Nothing is a part of zameer and eemaan too but can't be explained other than Nothing if believed seperate FROM ZAMEER AND EEMAAN. Only Nothing should be believed seperate other than zameer and eemaan.this I say new here zameer is to work for girls (as believers live due to girls Allaah has said) and eemaan is to work from Qur'aan so zameer and eemaan is to work for girls and Qur'aan I don't say but could work on correction means all the time correcting you live.(you correct eemaan is for girls and correct zameer is for Allaah and Qur'aan means can't correct more (here) so can't correct is the Nothing here [so due to Nothing zameer is for girls too like for Allaah and due to Nothing eemaan which is from Qur'aan work for girls too from Qur'aan as here Nothing is for girls we live due to them (zameer is for girls and eemaan is for Qur'aan and Allaah in this Belief due to Nothing is correct [ as due to Nothing of girls girls are for believers {zameer} and due to Nothing for Qur'aan and Allaah is also girls {eemaan} so due to Nothing here Belief is valid {of zameer is for girls and eemaan is for Qur'aan and Allaah is only valid due to Nothing} so Nothing can correct Zameer and Eemaan which is not wrong but we (if we) believe wrong. Only told for Zameer and Eemaan I live I live to call Allaah as not together afterwards we have to be Nothing correct to due to which Allaah could stay UP.

Zameer and Eemaan means no-rape and work for girls and Qur'aan.

Rape is so and rape is not so mean rape isn't allowed and insulting isn't rape too. I don't favour insult or insulting my self I don't write. Allaah will first take revenge of insult as everything like rape came out of insult so I deny above (paragraph) statement no can't deny that rape is not allowed (said there).
If WALLS remove then, no purdah system, no privacy, means no ownership. (now tents too are/could be called WALLS. Due to walls we run and live in Economy I say here.

Allaah remove means all jobs not happen means deny law and order.
Our health remains good due to Islaam Qur'aan due to Allaah works with it.

Allaah says to run power and live like explaining people right thing like Nothing and Reality is told first and after it truth (happens before you), right (is for whom), justice (thing given back which was robbed) ( so you see the truth and do justice so right is included or you see justice and do right so truth is included [this way we run power])is also told like people denied for Allaah shouldn't have power (in seeing truth, justice, right I mean say) (and one tag is granted [from truth, right, justice] we see two tag the other is included [who is one more]). And I SAY or Nothing maker is also Believer like one who gets reward due to doing justice we see more ahead that who is the functioner after made justice like same guy gets reward ahead is bigger Nothing job guy like such guys are Nothing job who gets selected after one justice done more(extra but which was Nothing guy) and who was making Nothing guy too is Reality (reality could be Allaah too) so here Nothing and Reality we come to know (is maintained for some guy) but the person who lets this process happen is also new believer. And I SAY so Allaah like balances by Nothing and Reality is himself too reality and doing job even for the right of the others we could become bigger believers than them. So Nothing and Reality are real believers like one who makes justice and rights possible like work for Nothing and Reality could be bigger believers than Nothing and Reality itself. Such other ways you run power as can use Qur'aanic Verse like with truth, justice, right, Nothing and Reality.

Run Power is the first job told by Allaah and for your own well being you should run power only run power and live told to help right people is told next. For your Money you should run power (in Qur'aan it is told) which is like maintaining law and order and it is also told to benefit people. Economy could live and against economy people removed both things are bigger run power jobs even told by Allaah. After running power it is told that to know Awliyas and Walis.After run power remember Awliyas and Walis (as they could run power with you and due to Awliyas and Walis Islaam is authenticated so we can live.)

After know Allaah you think that are we Awliyas and Walis as jobs like them we don't do but understand like them still not at all places so Awliyas and Walis are required. There is no shirk to take Awliyas and Walis as companions whether dead or alive as we just use a dream here as say to set a deal if our job happens we too will do their jobs (due to so it is it is no-shirk) they have to tell in dream to us (after [if] our job happens) it is not that we can't talk to Awliyas and Walis dead or alive. Awliyas and Walis are people like us right kind of Believers. And as we ask for a pen to a friend without given Money to him same way it is not so that we can't ask to Awliyas and Walis (anyway) just say them show a dream for their demand so if we and they agree our job could be done and we can do their job too if the deal comes into practice (that is we get a dream from them [if our job is done] as we ask is talk here due to a deal [so no asking alone here]). Due to saying is dealing our job should happen by them and we deal due to dream which any living or dead person can show us so instead of people (who could show dreams) we Believe Awliyas and Walis they are our real companions than other common people atleast common people above they are. I say equal job I do for them as they do my job again there is no-shirk and talk could happen due to Dreams too but we are friends. I again say it is not so that you can't talk to Awliyas and Walis even if they are dead or alive. Just shirk you remove means set a deal that you will do their job if they tell you in Dream as inreturn job you say to do for them so it is just dealing ask a pen to friend is more wrong (if don't give him Money) than shirk.

I continue above paragraph. So you are not in deal with a friend for if no money inreturn but we say to do there job which is in return I mean to Awliyas and Walis. Allaah doesn't deny any bussiness or deal with anybody as still you can run power is told so all such business and deals are told by Allaah here Allaah doesn't deny supernatural, dead, alive, evident, hidden or secret. We should try like Awliyas and Walis could try to run power for Allaah (someday if not now we understand as it is never denied I say).

Message of Allaah, Message of Eemaan, Message of Nothing, Message of Qur'aan, Message of Belief of Allaah, Belief of Muslim Message. All these tags in this paragraph are all words of Allaah like Message of Allaah says it that don't do forbidden things like falsezeenaa or rape is just message of Allaah. As I continue Message of Eemaan is My eemaan is message of Allaah as eemaan also says to Believe in Allaah seperately and protect authentic and real believers too try to be Now Message of Nothing to believe in right we give to people if it is right they get due to after truth he was he became justice seeker (got justice) if has one more right given means he is Nothing (after truth justice right in this order we see) and the one who made this possible are bigger believers like are Reality they are so everything exists AS ALLAAH SAYS TO FOLLOW QUR'AAN TOO DUE TO NOTHING AND REALITY due to Belief of Allaah as Allaah teaches say yes to real Believers of Allaah if they are there and so co-operate them and guide eachother and if some believer explained something big which is necessary to know Allaah for us and if we don't follow then Allaah is not counting them (them means us) so they don't have Belief of Allaah such shouldn't happen AND BELIEF OF Muslim Message is to follow all these tags as to save muslim girls and then also after it if Muslim girl can stay then let people live is the message of Allaah.

Allaah balances is death and life. Do all jobs is life and leave all jobs is death just death could remove our negative jobs. For new life I say. Allaah maintains by cycle is money exchange we give money and buy a thing that guy too has to give money (for house jobs or for vehicles) even when he takes money from us so such way (if we too get money [due to our work]) money cycle is maintained as we too earn money all is possible due to Allaah created no law violation so money could be used and due to Allaah we trust each other as gay and rape is denied so people don't giveup (due to gay) or don't fight (due to no rape) all this is due to Allaah. Allaah says to create up and down or we know Heaven and Land. Allaah create right and wrong due to right is from Nothing and wrong remove is by Qur'aan. Allaah says Nothing is curve and I say time is straight direction too it is by too many ways and not all ways as Allaah says we are time so it is all-way for us.

Allaah knows you you know Allaah. As you pray so Allaah knows you.

I say to follow Allaah is Allaah. We do justice once is Allaah there. We see contributor to justice such guy if we reward is Allaah is Allaah esp when the guy is same with whom we do justice and he is a contributor too. So this is Allaah is Allaah tag.

Allaah believes in Awliya and Walis who govern for Allaah Awliya deny other than respect and Walis say to know Allaah. Still explaining Qur'aan is not the job of Awliyas and Walis but for believers believers means Malaaiks I say. Like good-people girls like Malaaiks too and Tree Nothing are best friend to girls who help to know Allaah and Allaah can be new due to them.

We shouldn't be: fighting Allaah (munafiq you shouldn't be), decieving Allaah (doing justice), fraud to Allaah (theft bribery), give no response to Allaah (like taking interest from bank or using video wrong way or drinking), give opposite response to Allaah (like talking wrong of a believer). Only if we follow this Allaah could know. IF THESE TAGS ARE WRONG WITH YOU YOU ARE REJECTED BY ALLAAH SO YOU CAN'T KNOW ALLAAH AND ALLAAH CAN'T KNOW YOU.

Rules and Principles of Allaah.Confronting people are punished due to rules and principles of Allaah. Rules and Principles are no zameer and eemaan but Zameer and Eemaan includes it. Now what is Zameer and Eemaan TO NOT rape is zameer and work from Qur'aan for girls is eemaan now these meanings comes up where Zameer and Eemaan are together otherwise you work for Quraan is zameer, and eemaan is to pray to Allaah so I believe in Zameer and Eemaan (right one as I said before) I don't believe in wrong implemantation of zameer and eemaan. Inreal I explained the rules and principles of Allaah. To save us from wrong and lead to right path are rules and principles of Allaah. For governing law and order it could only work correct due to rules and principles of Allaah where people can't ask right for such jobs Rules and Principles are there for them. Also means the whole kingdom is Believer if follow Rules and Principles of Allaah from Qur'aan.

Some things we know exact laws of Allaah, or feeling of Allaah also says Quraan governed by Allaah, or Nothing laws work by Allaah, or the way we come to know Allaah is could be informed after we know some other knowledge like fighting Allaah, decieving Allaah paragraph (correct we are so) I wrote before here on this page and such more things are if there then possible to Believe in Allaah includes like BELIEF MEDICATIONS ALLAAH DOES JOB SENTENCES are there and they are different from like Rules and Principles of Allaah are their different like Qur'aan used normally and including for Nothing if Qur'aan is used so I write these sentences who are BELIEF MEDICATIONS ALLAAH DOES JOB SENTENCES NOW I WRITE IF YOU FOLLOW QUR'AAN ALLAAH WILL WORK FOR YOU, IF YOU DO RIGHT ( WITH A BELIEVER) ALLAAH WILL DO RIGHT FOR YOU, IF YOU KEEP TRY TO KNOW ALLAAH ALLAAH WILL CURE YOU OR ALLAAH WILL KNOW YOU SOMEDAY OKAY people three sentences enough will make more someday and see fighting Allaah deceiving Allaah paragraph, Rules and Principles, BELIEF MEDICATIONS ALLAAH DOES JOB SENTENCES, Qur'aan governed or Nothing governed by Qur'aan all this are different things. So such more things if possible we can inreal Believe in ALLAAH WHICH I don't know but Allaah's knowledge is too vast so we can learn is possible due to Allaah someday.

Economy is bigger matter to Allaah like Qur'aan Economy Allaah can govern from Qur'aan and right happened is the Economy of Allaah that is justice, right and rules of Allaah followed like Nothing are Intelligence People and Reality could be Allaah other than Intelligence People or some scientist could inform big and become Reality people are told to co-operate they can be one of them someday. To live in Economy what Qur'aan says is not condemning a Believer and seek truth of Allaah like Nothing comparable or Reality comparable. Like theft and rape aren't Qur'aan and Rules of Allaah are Nothing and Sky too from Qur'aan. Such thinking people Allaah wants due to Economy either correct or economy more. Mirror and shower works due to RULES OF ALLAAH. I ALSO SAY contributing to society Allaah has told so if with Allaah designed economy you can learn can keep learning and even normal economy is called Allaah designed it. You use noney exchange things you learn trust eachother you travel and know other people all this due to law of Allaah governed but like money exchange is the highest thing in economy and Allaah wants us to live in Economy He is happy to keep us in Economy and we are based upon the decision of our govt Allaah doesn't deny.

About Allaah: ABOUT Allaah is no rule of Allaah just used for governing.
For Allaah is Islaam and QUR'AAN.
By ALLAAH IS Qur'aan and Nothing
From Allaah is Allaah's Dream and Qur'aan
OF ALLAAH there's no of Allaah, but people of ALLAAH ARE there like good-people.

REASON PURPOSE BASIC CONCEPT: of Allaah is 'Zameer and Eemaan' and 'Qur'aan'. Due to reason Allaah knows you and due to your purpose is Allaah (is 'Zameer and Eemaan' and Qur'aan). BASIC IS NOTHING CONCEPT IS ALLAAH OR BASIC IS NOTHING CONCEPT IS ZAMEER AND EEMAAN. BOTH BASIC CONCEPT COULD ALSO BE ALLAAH so we can learn new reason purpose also just think if Basic isn't Nothing means all gone away like CONCEPT CAN'T BE OTHER THAN ALLAAH otherwise all gone away. Only due to ZAMEER AND EEMAAN ALLAAH will meet someday and after Allaah knows us that is due to ZAMEER AND EEMAAN ALLAAH and will stay with us due to Nothing correct we can live (ahead after Zameer and Eemaan). YOU DON'T KNOW BEFORE ALLAAH YOU WILL DO WHAT is no-bottomline but but no bottom line I mean.

Due to laws of Allaah people don't do wrong they can live like using Internet, driving any weak has same power like strong guy before Allaah. Allaah will see what are correct laws for both as Allaah says to do justice first at all place and says anything of this page to be exchanged possible or anything changed by Zameer and Eemaan I mean say. ???Believe in Allaah means all jobs you do for Allaah like using computer (like I do) speak due to Allaah like writing and talk for Allaah for Allaah's job done or correct you talk no cheating so you Believe in Allaah. Okay people can believe in Allaah so say yes to Belief of Allaah.(???)

Jobs are only possible due to law of Allaah, jobs are there due to Belief of Allaah. Right exists due to law of Allaah, rightthing exists due to Belief of Allaah. any wrong job is removed due to law of Allaah, All we are allowed due to Belief of Allaah. We see is due to law of Allaah and not see and see is due to Belief of Allaah.

Allaah just says for our welfare and demands if we want we are told to Believe in Allaah, pray, write and follow Qur'aan our all jobs Allaah will do due to it whenever HE comes to know. If Allaah isn't there still our jobs could be done due to Qur'aan okay first right and correct will happen too much then Allaah will be UP. So Believe Allaah is told here you can also follow Allaah from Qur'aan (the way Allaah tackles justice, the way Allaah uses Qur'aan, the way Allaah could run economy, the way Allaah lets win on enemies, the way Allaah says to work for a girl so same you can do I write in this bracket) you can follow Allaah as Believe Allaah means all you learn (here tags I named in last bracket) and work and implement as Qur'aanic verses tell you means small jobs firstly you will do. Like to write for Allaah to explain even economy we write is job like Farishtey (kind of ANGELS) AS ONLY people like ANGELS OR FARISHTEY write for Allaah even half Allaah will run work ahead from writing full due to praying I don't deny but follow Qur'aan is required after writing so Allaah will definately know you if HE is UP ON THE SKY THAT DAY. PEOPLE like Allaah writes Qur'aan we write now one write as Allaah designed Namaaz same actions aren't power if not in namaaz we be we should learn to write on it even I din't write but way of Namaaz is correct I know. The way of Namaaz is be soft (you will be hard and strong in real life) shouldn't think anything(new Allaah comes in you and you become brainy and attain state of devotion [means if forced to think so give attention on words you recite and also think Allaah's sentences like Allaah is the Ilaah of Awliya and Allaah is the Wali of Believers like if you work for Allaah Allaah will work for you {that is due to Qur'aan} {such sentences you think which lets Believe Allaah more still atleast half Namaaz should be without thoughts}should think such sentences]) (recite verses as slow as possible so you relate to Allaah here) (in rukooh sijdah recite slowly [this slowly can't stand in saf with jamaat you can't finish reciting three time this slow it should be {like slow for reciting verses} then your Namaaz is correct]) so people you can't write Namaaz and follow Qur'aan like doing Namaaz doesn't work isn't the same. I explain Allaah so I write to you. Writing for Allaah is not permissible is never is never so even other than follow Qur'aan you have to write it means it is called follow Qur'aan bigger way (okay you bigger way follow Qur'aan if write else which makes sense but). Allaah knows Namaaz and Qur'aan so follow Qur'aan and live so pray, write and follow Qur'aan is told by Allaah to Believe in Allaah.

What Allaah says to do: Right and Wrong you follow for Allaah.

Follow Allaah means right and wrong you do from Qur'aanic Verse.

And everywhere in this page Allaah says for justice. And Allaah says to replace anything on this page due to ZAMEER AND EEMAAN.



To follow for Allaah you can ALSO USE KNOWLEDGE LIKE work for truth, justice, right they are always required as with truth and justice (you see correct so truth and give equal to both is justice) right is granted, and with justice and right (give equal to both is justice and give somebody's property back is right so right means Nothing here) where truth is granted (as it is Nothing [Nothing too is a kind of truth]) AND MAKER OF NOTHING OR MAKER OF ARRANGER (OF TRUTH, JUSTICE, RIGHT, NOTHING) is REALITY so WE FOLLOW TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RIGHT WHERE ahead is Nothing and REALITY REALITY MEANS MANAGER OF TRUTH, RIGHT, JUSTICE OR SOME ONE WHO MAKES NOTHING (Nothing means one who gives service) is also Reality. So if Nothing and Reality we do we understand normal (what Allaah says to us). JUST TO follow for Allaah you are told so like following Qur'aan believing in Nothing by such right way As I explain truth, right, justice, Nothing and Reality or understanding Belief of Allaah such tags can't be denied. (This I write extra) (SUCH MORE KNOWLEDGES YOU CAN use to follow Allaah)

Allaah balances is death and life. Do all jobs is life and leave all jobs is death just death could remove our negative jobs. For new life I say. Allaah maintains by cycle is money exchange we give money and buy a thing that guy too has to give money (for house jobs or for vehicles) even when he takes money from us so such way (if we too get money [due to our work]) money cycle is maintained as we too earn money all is possible due to Allaah created no law violation so money could be used and due to Allaah we trust each other as gay and rape is denied so people don't giveup (due to gay) or don't fight (due to no rape) all this is due to Allaah. Allaah informed us Nothing (and Reality too I say later) without it you don't have recognition due to which only right understanding is told so first right understanding I write is Nothing without which jobs can't happen and Allaah say to be Reality and work for Reality (even Allaah could be Reality [as Nothing I informed before reality as Nothing is after Reality]). Allaah says to create up and down or we know Heaven and Land. Allaah create right and wrong due to right is from Nothing and wrong remove is by Qur'aan. Allaah says Nothing is curve and I say time is straight direction too it is by too many ways and not all ways as Allaah says we are time so it is all-way for us.

Message of Allaah, Message of Eemaan, Message of Nothing, Message of Qur'aan, Message of Belief of Allaah, Belief of Muslim Message. All these tags in this paragraph are all words of Allaah like Message of Allaah says it that don't do forbidden things like falsezeenaa or rape is just message of Allaah. As I continue Message of Eemaan is My eemaan is message of Allaah as eemaan also says to Believe in Allaah seperately and protect authentic and real believers Now Message of Nothing to believe in right we give to people if it is right they get due to justice seeker if has one more right given means he is Nothing (after truth justice right) and the one who made this possible are bigger believers like are Reality they are. As the maker of justice could be included as one more justice made after it (normal justice) then they are bigger believer like Nothing and Reality what Allaah says (justice seeker and arranger of the event of justice) is of after truth, right, justice are Nothing or Reality in real Allaah says is afterwards as even Reality could be Allaah but they are after truth (existence before you) right (one who owns it) justice (robbed thing given back and robber punished) so Nothing and Reality are after truth, right, justice as Message of Qur'aan is to know Allaah only from QUR'AAN because correct Allaah should be known from Qur'aan alone but Nothing could be included from Qur'aan as Qur'aan says same as Message that is Message of Nothing is same as Message of Qur'aan and the Message of Belief of Allaah is to work for truth, right, justice and become Nothing and Reality too try to be so everything exists due to Belief of Allaah as Allaah teaches say yes to real Believers of Allaah if they are there and so co-operate them and guide eachother and if some believer explained something big which is necessary to know Allaah for us and we don't follow then Allaah is not counting them (them means us) so they don't have Belief of Allaah AND BELIEF OF Muslim Message is to follow all these tags as to save muslim girls and then also after it if Muslim girl can stay then let people live is the message of Allaah.

Allaah doesn't lets wrong happen are the rules and principles of Allaah. Somebody is Nothing means is could be rewarded like than truth (before you happens), justice (given equal to both [two people fighting]), rights (somebody given ownership by government too) and above such too they could be rewarded due to Nothing (exact care taker they are) they are there job should be done like (if someone is more above than Nothing as the maker of things ahead than all such (truth, justice, right, Nothing) is reality maker is Allaah himself or some rightly guided (means someone who Allaah appoints) people only work for reality. So after Nothing if you see bigger people are Allaah or the real people of Allaah. Nothing is kind of truth (superior to: truth, justice, right) (things belong to Nothing in real) and Reality is much bigger than truth (only there above Nothing) (Reality is maker of events, maker of rewards right way [which are from truth, justice, right]). RULES AND PRINCIPLES ARE DUE TO NOTHING FIRSLTY as Nothing is found normally due to bigger is Allaah or REALITY SO this one MORE REWARDED BUT ONE WHO REQUIRES IS NOT ALLAAH BUT NOTHING SO TRUTH, RIGHT, JUSTICE ARE used for it (that is to do Nothing firstly).So due to this paragraph before I write Allaah doesn't deny somebody's right or justice. Nothing has bigger right (than truth, justice, right [after truth, justice, the right becomes Nothing]and reality is from Allaah, anybody's money given back are due to rules and principles of Allaah, confronting people are punished due to rules and principles of Allaah. Rules and Principles are no zameer and eemaan but Zameer and Eemaan includes it. Now what is Zameer and Eemaan TO NOT rape is zameer and work from Qur'aan for girls is eemaan now these meanings comes up where Zameer and Eemaan are together otherwise you work for Quraan is zameer, and eemaan is to pray to Allaah so I believe in Zameer and Eemaan I don't believe in wrong implemantation of zameer and eemaan. Inreal I explained the rules and principles of Allaah.

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